Ep. 40 - When a Baby Dies: Conversations in Birth and Death, Companioning and Memory Making

Check out the latest episode of our sister podcast Social Work Discoveries!

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A special episode that explores a difficult experience, and the complex work of supporting families through terrible loss.



  • Hosts: Lis Murphy & Dr. Mim Fox

  • Producers: Dr. Ben Joseph & Justin Stech

  • Social Media Coordinator: Maddison Stratten

  • Music: 'Mama' by Ben Grace (copyright 2018). Find on Spotify, or at www.bengracemusic.com

  • Social Work Stories©️ (31st Jan, 2024)


Ep. 41 - Social Work with Teenage Boys: The Teachable Moments


Ep. 39 - Social Work in Prison: Sounds Interesting!