Ep 28 - Eco Social Work and Climate Justice

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This episode includes an interview which was recorded in late 2019 just prior to the terrible Australian bushfire disaster. Many of the points of view shared by the panelists became highly poignant in the following months. We believe you'll feel the same way.

As ever, join Mim & Lis as they unpack this emerging, yet integral social work practice in Eco Social Work and Climate Justice. We hope you enjoy!



  • Hosts: Lis Murphy & Dr. Mim Fox

  • Producers: Dr. Ben Joseph & Justin Stech

  • Social Media Coordinator: Maddison Stratten

  • Music: 'Mama' by Ben Grace (copyright 2018). Find on Spotify, or at www.bengracemusic.com

  • Social Work Stories©️ (31st Jan, 2024)


Ep 29 - Social Work and Group Work: Where the Magic Happens!


Ep 27 - Droughts and Flooding Rains