Ep 10 - The Dark Place: Working with a Suicide Caller.

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Our anonymous social worker takes you through one of her most difficult stories while working for a mental health crisis line. Throughout this episode we walk the line of uncertainty, risk and harm in the dark place of suicide prevention and crisis support. Please look after yourselves as you listen.

We also have a very special guest join us to unpack it all. Be sure to stay with us the whole way through the episode to hear a hauntingly beautiful song that means so much to us!



  • Hosts: Lis Murphy & Dr. Mim Fox

  • Producers: Dr. Ben Joseph & Justin Stech

  • Social Media Coordinator: Maddison Stratten

  • Music: 'Mama' by Ben Grace (copyright 2018). Find on Spotify, or at www.bengracemusic.com

  • Social Work Stories©️ (31st Jan, 2024)


Ep 11 - Miscarriage: A Disenfranchised Grief


Ep 09 - Relationship - the Change Agent!